Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fun Family Car Rally

This post is very overdue but life has been happening ....
The morning of the rally arrived and there was a flurry of last minute preparation and activity. At midnight the previous night, I had seen that the Pink Ladies had advertised the event on their Facebook page and much to my surprise, it looked as if there would be 60 or more teams attending that we knew nothing about!!! We needed plans in place in case of an influx of teams!

There was much excitement as the lunch hour passed and it was time to make our way to the starting point of the rally. The kids could scarcely believe it was finally happening after all the long hours of hard work. Thankfully there was no sudden influx of teams, but just one or two that had not previously registered. Zelda, Justine and Chaeli of the Chaeli Campaign and Carol Bew City Councillor as well as Gran Dessie, founder of the Pink Ladies were all there at the start to wish the teams well and chat to J and K.

15 eager teams took off with their clues and the fun and tension began!

Many of the participants wore pink in support of the Pink Ladies. The route was well thought out and the questions pretty tough but so much fun!
Hubby and little princess were on my team. She was so eager to help work out the answers and be a part of the rally that her mom had been working on tirelessly with J and K. We started out at a shopping centre and raced around crazily trying to figure out the answers...

After counting and recounting bollards down a long road, we were led into a common where we had further answers to figure out. There was some conferring done between teams... some were willing to help others with answers and some were not giving any secrets away!

Some teams raced each other through the common and there were yells of frustration and shouts of triumph. There was a great spirit among the teams who were having loads of fun! We then headed off the beaten track to figure out more answers before heading onto a pit stop....

One of the pit stops was a wine farm and We had fun tasting one of the answers even though it was not required! I loved the apt logo behind us : "Speaking in Pink"! Then it was off into the vineyards to find a vine leaf that was not to be picked off the little accomplice of seven years old quickly sneaked one off the bottom of the vine....
Team Solartech were a blast and brought a dose of high energy and competitiveness to the one point they parked their vehicle across the road to prevent another team passing them....lots of fun to have around!

The route took the competitors to this sign board at the outskirts of what was once a pine forest. Teams had a had time counting the baboons on the sign and figuring out other cryptic questions.
From there it was on to another shopping centre where the questions were really tough and a couple of teams decided to head straight to the end point!

We stuck it out and my little accomplice had fun counting the animals at the Barnyard and collecting a feather. Then more gruelling questions at another shopping centre and finally on to the end point of the rally! All along the way there questions to be answered and if one had not read through the questions at the beginning....well, there were a couple of surprises at the end as the teams would have got a number of answers!

Teams picnicked on the grass at the end while the stragglers came in. Thankfully the weather held out to the end. Marking of team sheets was done and the winning team announced.
The Bell family were the triumphant winners. Each team member got to pick a prize of their choice. There were hampers, T shirts and vouchers of all sorts. Local businesses had sponsored generously and every participant got to pick a prize. The value of prizes was over R14 000!

J and K thanked T for all her hard work and dedication . It was a fantastic event enjoyed by all and a memorable afternoon. I am really proud of my kids for organising the event and following through even when it was tough and they felt like giving up!

PS: They are in the planning stages of a new event for this year and we are all VERY excited about this one!

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