I love watching my daughter as she works on her art projects. She is blessed to have inherited her artistic abilities from my Dad. She takes her art very seriously. It has to be just right when done.
As I read aloud, her hands are always busy being creative, ever busy doing some art or craft project.
She has been learning about texture at her art classes. First she did an ink drawing of the duck , and below is her final painting.

I love the way it turned out!

Next they went on to learn about shape and negative space. She had fun creating the picture above.
Each of the students had fun presenting their puppet show at the next art class. I love the way the wolf's jaw moved when he spoke.
The girls craft club learned how to make these beautiful greeting cards.
Much of her free time has been taken up working on a project for a friends sons bedroom.
She painted the half rounds of polystyrene to look like bakugan toys and then the smaller ones too. These will be put together to make a mobile.

Finally, she made this heart wreath as a birthday gift for a friend. She used a wire hangar bent into a heart shape and then cut strips of fabric in various shades of blue and white and tied them onto the wire heart. The result was really pretty! ( sadly this is not such a good photo)
Lovely, all of it. Well done.