My artist started her new project after having spent last Sunday at her Grandpa, planning and practicing her new piece. This is a painting for the annual Chaeli Art and Poetry Competition. The theme this year is "One Life: Mind , Body and Soul where one forgets the "dis" in disability and focuses on the ability instead."

Her work is inspired by a show we saw last year where able bodied and differently abled people danced together. It was truly inspiring to see these people dancing together. Additional inspiration came from the brief : "Each person has the right to live a full and fulfilled life, where talents and abilities are recognized and opportunities arise for each person to realize their full potential. A disability should not affect this right."
(I will post a photo of her completed work asap.)

Z and I have had great fun building Lego together this week. We have so much Lego as it has been collected between the two boys for more than 10 years. He had a great idea of tipping the crate out onto a large blanket. This meant it was easy to find all the pieces we needed, rather than scratching though what seems to be a bottomless pit of Lego! We spent time sorting it out and looking for "special pieces".... there are SO many "special" pieces! I have also kept all the booklets that came with the Lego in a file so it they are easy to find when one wants to build a particular set.

This set was one of the first sets that my J ever bought with his own pocket money. We substituted the blocks for a different color when we could not find the right colors . It was great fun!
Z also went to try out a karate class through the Chaeli Sports and Recreation Club. This is a class with a difference as one of the instructors is in a wheelchair, and able bodied and differently abled students take part in the same class. The pace is slower than what he was used to and there is a fun element to the class. He so enjoyed the class and I was amazed that he remembered so much after not having done karate for about a year.

K and I had great evening on Thursday, helping a friend prepare party food for another friends birthday the following night. We laughed and chatted as we worked and before we knew it, it was time to leave and get some sleep.

K finally completed the mobile she was busy working on, much to the delight of the recipient.

It was craft club for K this week, and she and her friends learned how to make gel seascape candles with Candle Mania. The candles were made in layers, and in between the layers there is sand, sea weed and some shells. I think they turned out really beautifully and the girls had a great time making them.

It was also our monthly nature club on Friday...we had a great time and it deserves it's own post that will follow shortly.
J continues to pursue his studies with diligence and is making good progress. His days are full and busy. He has taught his 3 classes of karate this week, his weekly guitar student and gained a private karate student too. He is enjoying his new found financial freedom!

Tonight I had the treat of babysitting my sweet one month old nephew so his mom and dad could take their 4 canine children for a walk and then go for a bite to eat. This little guy is just so relaxed and seems to just sleep. I wished he would wake so I could cuddle him! I didn't take the risk of picking him up or disturbing him in case he became unhappy. Maybe next time he will be awake.

Last but not least, our sweet kitty has found a perfect spot to warm herself as the suns rays are less potent. While spring and summer are bursting forth in the northern hemisphere, down south it is getting really cold! Winter is on it's way!
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