Friday, August 5, 2011

It has been a while...

It has been a while since I have cared for a sweet little baby for more than just a few hours. My nephew came to sleep over with us while his mum went into hospital overnight. What a joy to have a little baby in the house again.

I had forgotten what it is like to schedule meals and chores around a baby. When he slept, I rushed around to get things done that needed doing. Simple things like washing and sterilising bottles to be ready for the next feed. Fixing a meal for my family and making sure that the normal chores were done.

I had forgotten what it is like to feel so helpless when a baby is crying with pain from winds and you know you have done your best with every trick in the book to help ease the pain and the baby still cries.... thankfully a sweet friend who knows how to massage popped in and was able to help ease his pain.
I had forgotten the look of complete satisfaction on a baby's face after a feed as he drifts off into dreamland..

We went off to the hospital so he could see his mum and we found out she could be discharged from the hospital. We popped in to visit my Dad (his Grandpa) and then came home. We had the pleasure of having him and his mum here for the rest of the day. His poor mum needed to rest and was in pain so we left her resting and went to tea at a friend for her daughter's birthday.

I had forgotten too about all that needs to be considered when taking a baby out ... clean clothes, nappies, wipes, dummy, blankets, bottles and more.

I had forgotten most of what it is like to have a little baby to love and care for round the clock , but we loved it and this sweet little guy is welcome any time!

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