Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday's Multitudes

Finding joy in an overwhelming and scary world where nothing is as it should be....

movie night with the teens
an hour long phone call with a dear friend
fridge full of healthy food
granadilla blossoms daily
just picked ripe tomato
peppers growing in the garden
teens who do their chores without complaining
my dad's call
a wonderful evening out with friends
good reports from my son's employer, thankful that his work is going well
a gift from my girl, my favorite cookies
my sweet nephew on stage for his school concert, blessed to be there and witness the cuteness
coffee and chats with a friend
a good night's sleep
dinner with my oldest
Sunday worship
a walk with my youngest out in the fresh air
my girl's baking
my brother and his little family visiting for the evening

2391- 2410

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