As a home school mom I often get asked ,"What about time for yourself ?"
For a start, I always wanted to be a mom and have three children who I wanted to raise and nurture myself. I remember the physical heartache I felt when leaving my precious first born at my mom in law when I "had to" go back to work. That did not last long and by the time he was 6 months old, I was home with him. I thank God that I have been blessed to be there with my children and have them close to me. I would not want it any other way.
As they are no longer very small, I am able to fit in some "me time" .This year I have found two things that I love doing and that refresh me.......
I have started Tae Bo and just love it! Besides the added bonus of getting fitter, I feel so good and have lost some unwanted kilos and centimetres that crept up on me over the years.
I have also learned how to mosaic. It has been great fun and I have enjoyed the get togethers with a few other moms as we chat, sip a glass of wine and get creative...

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