Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up: The one that was like wading through treacle

It was the fourth week of the school term and I am not sure why, but we all found this week a little more challenging than usual. Perhaps we are tired.
 Perhaps we need a little break.

Zak and Keren managed to get through all their work despite the fact it just seemed harder to get through. Keren had a presentation for art, on which she worked diligently, despite the difficulty and frustration of an uncooperative partner. She presented to her class on Thursday, it went well for her. Her teacher was very happy with her part of the presentation and thankfully will be marking the girls individually for their efforts. 

There was connect group, basketball and dinner with our youth pastor.
 I think that was my favorite thing this week as Keren baked for her Consumer Studies practical and we could all enjoy her efforts after dinner. She baked a short crust pastry and filled it with confectioners custard mixed with whipped cream and topped with fresh granadilla.

Simply delicious and enjoyed by all!

We walked a little too this week and it was lovely to get out into the fresh air and get the blood pumping and try and clear the cobwebs.

 Always good for the soul.

The week ended with youth for the kids last night and hubby and I just settled in to watch a new series.
 The weather is glorious today, there is no pressure to do anything and we are enjoying the weekend.
 Here's hoping your week was good and your weekend will be even better!

Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. That tart looks fantastic, my mouth watering here.

    1. We will have to make you one next time you here :)


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