Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday's Multitudes

It is good to give thanks..

gift white: my warm cozy gown protecting me from the cold
gifts eaten: cinnamon, lemon and sticky syrup pancakes made by my sweetpea
hamburgers made by hubby
gift outside: morning walk in the crisp air, good for the soul
community and sense of belonging in our church family
gift sitting: my youngest and me, sitting together enjoying an audio book, precious times
winning massages for me and for hubby and a dear friend
girlfriends, laughter and conversations
a visit from my little nephew, he asked his daddy to bring him to see me 
voice notes from my mum
early morning coffee and conversation with my oldest son before he leaves for work
my girl finishing off  preparing dinner and making tastier mac and cheese than I ever have
my sunny, sparkly niece popping in 
gift outside: good soaking rains

a glorious morning walk with hubby, the kiddos and the crazy dog 
my oldest and his girlfriend volunteering and making a delicious dinner 
my 3 year old nephew having fun in a bubble bath and sharing the cutest conversations with me
kids home safely from camp
delicious bacon and egg brunch made by my oldest
bread and wine shared this morning with church family
glorious sunshine, waves crashing on the shore, sun on my back and hubby beside me
sun-kissed strawberries eaten fresh from the garden
hubby making dinner 
fresh eggs from my brother's hens
generosity shown toward us
brisk walk in the cool evening air
time out with my girl, laughter and heartfelt conversations 

2210- 2236

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