Wow, its been about 6 weeks since I last wrote a post. Today seems like the perfect time to write. All is quiet besides the birds chirping outside and fresh rains have soaked the earth this morning.
Yes, time to reflect...
Its been a different year with different challenges but on the whole I am grateful for God's provision, guidance, grace and goodness.
Our girl has finished her home education journey and she did exceedingly well in art, coming first in her class. Next year she will be able to pursue her passions without the stress of school assignments and exams...yay!
Our eldest has gone from strength to strength at work and is an asset to the company he works for. I love seeing him enjoy his work and studies.
Our youngest has grown in character and is a blessing to have around. I love seeing him "come into his own". Can't believe that I have just one more to home educate!
Hubby has had a really busy year at work and traveled a bit over the last while. I am grateful for his dedication and provision for our family.
I have had the opportunity to work with little people. Three precious little girls who bring joy to me. It's been lovely to work a little outside the home spending time with the cutie pies and earn a little pocket money.
I am grateful for travelling mercies for hubby, our girl and extended family; my extended family who have stuck together through thick and thin, always there for one another despite miles that may separate us; new friends and old friends and our wonderful church family.