Competition day dawned and J was up bright and early to leave for the MTN Science centre with his team mates. Yet again, they had stayed up until about 10.30 pm fine tuning their robot. We got there just before the opening ceremony. One of the team members did a spectacular ramp onto the stage on his bike. The tension mounted as they went into a side room to be judged on their robotics. The judges were highly impressed with their original robot that they ditched in favour of the robot the made this week. They came out feeling pretty confident and went into the pit area to practice on their runs. Tension was high and I think we were all running on adrenaline!
Team practice area.
J and J (in fact, all the team members initials are the should have been called the J team!) manned the table twice before lunch with the robot for their timed rounds.They had to do a total of three timed rounds for the competition. They did well and there were shouts of joy and much cheering as the robot performed the assigned tasks.
The real timed deal.

Lunch break.

The boys handled the whole task of manning the table with confidence and they worked well together under pressure.
The teams were finally called up for the award ceremony and they received medals .

One thing I am proud of is that they refuse to be defeated and they are determined to come back next year and give it a shot again!
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