Monday, May 21, 2012

May Joy Dare Week 3

The last week seems to have come and gone in a blur. Our eldest has been writing IGCSE exams, our daughter had a minor procedure, hubby worked through the night for three nights
(meaning I didn't sleep too well), migraines for me and the list goes on...
 I could complain about it all or choose to find blessing in the midst of all and give thanks....

Day 15
(3 gifts about me)
wow..this is not easy when one is looking at oneself but here goes...
494) I have a love for cooking and trying out new recipes so I think I am all right in that department. I am thankful that cooking is not always a chore, but often fun for me.
495) I love to make my children laugh by being silly...hopefully making some "crazy mom memories" for them to pull out and laugh at in the future.
496) I am growing in faith even though at times I stumble...
& some my own
497) thankful for exams that exams went well for my boy today

Day 16
(2 gifts found in His word)
498) You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorder each one in your book.When I cry unto You, then shall my enemies turn back: 
this I know, for God is for me Psalm 56:8 -9
499) Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid John 14:27
& more my own
500) calls from two of my siblings today
501) happy children laughing and playing cards this evening
502) thankful our eldest could help hubby on the job he is working on tonight
503) hugs from my youngest
504) thankful for my mom in law who makes her car available when we need a second car

Day 17
(my own)
505) thankful to have my sweet baby nephew for the morning
506) thankful my daughter's minor surgical procedure went well
507) thankful for a chat with my dear friend via our cell phones this afternoon
508) thankful hubby got someone to help him work on the job that he worked all through last night
509) thankful for leftovers in the freezer and last night's desert still in the fridge at the end of this very long day

Day 18
( gifts my own)
510) happy , sweet baby nephew riding up my path early this morning with outstretched arms
511) my boy going to his science club with a friend and then being invited to spend the afternoon....
happy boy delivered home again
512) busy yet peaceful afternoon
513) enjoying my daughter's home made hot chocolate with a touch of chili
and a movie night at home...
all snug and warm

Day 19
(3 gifts from my childhood)
514) precious memories of family times:
 holidays, family walks, tea time in the garden, Easter,
my mum leaving sweet notes on my pillow and
 getting up to mischief with my siblings and so much more!
515) parents who loved me well and cared to teach me right from wrong
516) having shared a room with my younger sister for many years...
forging a strong bond between the two of us

Day 20
(a gift sweet, sour, salty)
517) sweet ginger & carrot muffins shared with my hubby when he came in from working...
 at 4h00 this morning
518) sour words turned sweet with apologies and hugs
519) salty and delicious chicken soup shared with the family at lunch today

Day 21
(3 gifts found in little people)
520) open mouth, closed eyes kisses from my baby nephew who is just learning to give kisses
521) giggles and high fives from the same sweet little thing
522) hugs from my youngest whenever he thinks I need one!

1 comment:

  1. I admire you so much for your perseverance in rising to the challenge of finding the joys even in the toughest of times. xxx


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