Monday, June 29, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up: End of Term!

It has been weeks again since I have blogged. 
Perhaps a little hibernation with the cold weather we have been experiencing.
 We have also come to the end of term 2 and now are on our winter break. It has been a busy time especially for Keren who has been writing her mid year matric exams and making sure all her relevant assignments and projects are done. She is almost done and I cant wait to have all the work marked, filed and handed in for further marking and moderation. 
I am certain she will continue to do exceedingly well in all her subjects. She did very well in her midyear art exams which were written at her art school. The painting she did for term 2 has been sold and she has her first commission from one of the teachers at the art school. It is wonderful to see her being able to earn from something she is fiercely passionate about and loves to do.

She is working on two paintings at the moment and I love to watch the pieces as they develop. 

Zak finished off basketball for the term and is not keen to continue. He has decided that rock climbing is something he wants to continue with as he really enjoys his weekly climbs at City Rock. School work has been completed for the term and he is enjoying the freedom of the holidays. 

Its wonderful having Josh here on the days he doesn't need to go on site and he is working remotely. It gives me pleasure to be able to make all my kids a hot lunch, freshly squeezed juice or a hot chocolate while they are working. I love hearing the interaction between my three too. 

We have been enjoying warm fires, good wholesome home cooked meals and the company of good friends. Last weekend Zak and I enjoyed the theater. Our neighbor was performing in A Midsummer Night's Dream. A real treat enjoyed with neighborhood friends.  

Plans for the holidays include a mini trip away for Keren and me which we are both really looking forward to it. Today it has been wonderful to get up and have no agenda. Keren has been working on her painting and Zak has gone off to City Rock with his friends.
 I am already loving the break from school.....

Weekly Wrap-Up

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