We have been having a little fun today with our science....J had various experiments to do with the products of combustion. First he blew up a balloon using a 2 liter soda bottle with vinegar in it, by adding bicarb to it. (The kids enjoyed this as they first needed to drink the 2 litres of soda so we could use the bottle!)

He had also made some some water blue by boiling some red cabbage leaves. This water was put into glasses. He then used the balloon and a straw to blow the carbon dioxide into the water . The carbon dioxide caused a chemical reaction that made carbonic acid and turned the water a beautiful purple colour!
The younger two had great fun taking turns to blow through straws and change the colour of the blue water to purple too!
We also got a great resource for our bird studies from my sister and today we used chicken bones to make up a chickens skeleton.....real hands on fun! It was great for the children to see how it all fits together.
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