Wednesday, September 2, 2009

More fun with Zoology

We had a wonderful time with our Zoology studies today. We are learning about feathers and their structure etc. Thankfully we had a bag of feathers on hand that K had collected when we were in Mossbank. We had contour feathers and semiplumes so we just need to find some down to add to our notebooks.

We had fun looking at them through magnifying glasses and "waterproofing " feathers with oil. It was amazing to see the water forming beads on the oiled feathers. I marvel at God's attention to detail in the construction of a simple feather.

The children had the greatest time racing round the garden with umbrellas to feel the air slowing them down just like a bird uses its tail and wing feathers to slow down when landing. I must admit I had to have a try too and it was fun! Z decided to jump out of the tree with the umbrella too....I just love this hands on learning! So much better than a dry book of facts!

We got to hang our suet bird feeders today too. They smell so good and K said she was tempted to make some into biscuits so she could have some too! (They are made with lard, oats, peanut butter, sugar, maize meal, seeds and raisins)
This evening we spent a little time watching some birds examine all that has been put out for them to enjoy.

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