Month 9 has been full and fabulous.
My finger was on the mend and slowly I could do more which made me really happy.
Spring is in the air and there are colorful blossoms everywhere. Days are noticeably lighter earlier and
for longer in the evenings. We have had some really cold spells with snow on nearby mountains too and a good deal of spring rain.
Today however has been a perfectly warm spring day with a beach walk and a wonderful braai this evening.
This month I had great fun experimenting with my new Indian cook book that I recently won. We have eaten fish in coriander chutney, lemon and coriander chicken, spiced meatballs in tomato sauce, chicken in coriander and coconut sauce and new style bunny chow (not made from bunnies as my youngest thought!).
The recipes use ingredients that are commonplace and the combinations of aromatic spices, chili and ginger certainly make the the most mouthwatering delicious meals.
Besides a little baking here and there, nothing else in this department but I have a few kilos of tomatoes that will be used for chili and tomato jam tomorrow.
My youngest has passed a few books onto his baby cousin and we are continually passing on items that are of no use to us anymore or clothes that we have outgrown or are no longer worn.
Coffee grounds are being scatted in the veg garden in the hopes of deterring the aphids that seem to be back again. Today I collected dried kelp at the beach so I can make kelp tea for my veg garden.
Things seem to be taking off in the garden all of a sudden. It is looking green and full. Sweet peas are flowering and sunflower and other seedlings are popping their first tender leaves through the rich soil and I look forward to what is to come.
We have been nibbling on peas, strawberries, gooseberries, herbs and lettuce. Mustard greens are enjoyed with hamburgers.
I enjoyed trying my hand at oil painting for the first time ever.

My Dad patiently spent hours instructing my youngest and me on mixing paints and brush techniques. It was most enjoyable and I look forward to returning to his studio to complete my painting.
Once my finger was better , there was no stopping me in the mosaic department.
I spent hours enjoying creating a number of items....
Our house number eventually made into onto the wall ...
( I think I started this project about 4 years ago!)
decorative hearts, a pot stand and words....
I knitted my younger two each a colorful snood, a quick and easy knit completed over an evening or two.
My daughter wanted hers longer and my boy can be seen wearing his almost daily.
My daughter and I visited a local church fete and managed to pick up boxes of books for next to nothing.
We have visited the library a few times this month and I have been browsing books on mosaic.
Our read aloud is a wonderful historical story about a whaling station in South Africa set in 1912.
Hubby has been tirelessly working around the home and done a little painting to spruce things up a bit. Bits and bobs that have needed hanging have been put up and it is great to have little changes in the way things look. We now have a blackboard wall in the kitchen and it's great for the never ending shopping list and the kids enjoy doodling there too!
The younger two and I signed up for free Afrikaans lessons once a week at the local library. The class is filled with a dynamic group of people of various ages and nationalities.
My daughter held a holiday workshop where she taught seven youngsters from the age of 9 up various icing techniques.

Great fun and lots of finger licking!
The younger two kids and I made the most of the San Parks free entry week early in the month.
We enjoyed two days "off school" visiting the national parks.
My eldest declined and was diligently preparing for his upcoming Matric final exams.
One day was spent with friends exploring Cape Point and the other at Silvermine Dam.
We enjoyed a walk around the dam and lazed in the sun as I read aloud from our current novel.
Thoroughly enjoyable!
My youngest and I visited my Dad's home overnight and enjoyed the break from the routine.
We celebrated our daughter's 16th birthday with a family dinner and then an afternoon tea party for friends and family. Next weekend we have an invasion of her teen friends for a pyjama party!
We have enjoyed a short spring break from school and it's been good to put away the books and just be.