Lets face it, birthdays are fun! My little guy woke me at 4 am to ask if he could please open his gifts right then so he could go to sleep! That was not happening as I don't think the rest of the family would have been impressed with that idea. Instead I went to sleep in his room with him and eventually we had to wake him so his could open his gifts before his dad went to work!
He had an amazing 10th birthday and was so happy to have my mum here to share in his special day. He had many phone calls and visitors who came to wish him.
My sister had sent a parcel for him and with great excitement, we went to collect it at the Post Office.

It was such a great gift: a shoebox covered in soccer wrapping paper and filled with all kinds of fun things. There were sweets and other yummy treats, a book, stickers, pens with soccer balls on them, a bat and ball, model racing cars, pool water bombs, gloves and so many other fun things. We love the idea of this type of gift and I am sure that I will make this the tradition between the cousins now that they live so far away.
He is saving to buy himself a Wii and after his Oma had been to visit and wish him, I found his envelope on the kitchen table....
I loved the note he had written on it! He knows that when I don't have cash and the kiddies do, I borrow a couple of rand for milk or bread.( I am very careful to keep track and refund them).

At lunch time, despite the rain, we went to the forest with some friends and enjoyed a picnic. He had chosen kiddies bubbly (grape juice) especially for the picnic and had great fun popping the cork!

In the evening, we had a special dinner with my brother and his wife and my mum and her husband. My sweet, funny, cuddly boy is growing up!
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