He was awake at 4a.m. and came creeping into our bed because there was a storm going on outside. (I think he had just woken up and knew it was not time for celebrating yet and couldn't fall asleep again as he was so excited about his big day!) When the alarm finally went off, he gleefully announced it was time to open presants...he said he had seen them lying on the floor at 4a.m. when he crept into our bed.
As our family tradition goes, the kids all pile onto our bed to open birthday presents and today was no different. He was so appreciative of his birthday gifts and it was fun to hear him exclaim, "oh that's just what I wanted, thank you!" I had been buying little things here and there and had them stored up for today so I knew that they were all items he would enjoy.
He requested a breakfast of French toast so that's what we had. Hubby went off to work and we headed over to Oma's house. He had a pile of gifts there too and a lovely chocolate cake. I took the opportunity of going for a work out while the children enjoyed the hour with Oma. After all in our home, birthdays are not school days....
We spent the afternoon at home ,cuddled on the couch, watching the movie "Gandhi." I had read a book about him to the younger two children yesterday, so they knew a little about him. ( So I was really sneaking in a little school anyway!)
Tonight we went out for ribs to celebrate the birthday and the fact that J had his braces removed yesterday.We had promised we would do that as soon as they came off , so tonight was the perfect night.

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