Well its been almost two weeks since we came home from our holiday and it felt like we had not achieved anything with school but as I look back, I see we have. It seems like the holiday was a life time away. Two of the children have had colds and fevers so that always interferes with the book work.I hope the littlest member of the family will be feeling much better before his big day on Tuesday. He will be nine!
K spent the better part of the week lying in bed and one of our furry members of the family decided to keep her company by finding herself a cosy spot on K's chest of drawers...I almost didn't even spot her there!
J made a model of DNA with pipe cleaners for his General Science. I was thrilled to have them on hand, as sometimes we need to dash out and buy supplies when he needs to do an experiment. We completed the module yesterday and he did very well with the study guides. I have yet to mark the test.

They all had fun doing an experiment to see how air pressure works for our Zoology studies. I must say, I am enjoying learning alongside my children! (excuse that basket of washing in the back ground!)
My sister had sent me an email showing what chefs do when they are bored. It was a whole lot of very creative sculptures using fruit and veg. The younger two decided to try their hand at some orange and lemon faces. Rather cute!
We had some fun yesterday with the pipe cleaners and made these creations. There are some wonderful sites on line where you can learn to make all sorts of things using pipe cleaners.

Today i headed off to the library to source the books we need for next week. I was so happy to find almost all that was on my list but when I got to the check out....I had the wrong library cards! How frustrating! Thankfully they will keep the books until Monday.
Z took a break from Acts club today as he was feeling under the weather and not up to running about. J continued with his copper beating course and K enjoyed cookery with eggs. They made deviled eggs and egg salad. They shared their cooking with the teachers and the boys doing the copper beating. I truly am grateful for the wonderful opportunity the children have to spend time learning new skills.
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