Friday, September 3, 2010

Spring has sprung

Wednesday was spring day and I was stuck in bed recovering from a nasty cold. My sweet daughter made sure I stayed put and the children brought their books to my bed. She even cooked the dinner for us that evening. It was a rainy day, more like winter than spring. Thankfully that day seemed do the trick and I am feeling much stronger.
I have been noticing the signs of spring as we are out about. Tiny green leaves are bursting forth from the trees and pretty pink blossoms are making their appearance. My neglected veggie garden is getting more sun and it will be time to do some serious weeding and enriching of the soil. I am hoping to have a better yield this summer by planting sooner rather than later.
Today we had a glorious spring day and a friend came to join us for lunch. The children could not resist the warmer weather and had their first spring swim in our pool. We can look forward to longer days outdoors enjoying the warmer weather.

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