K has been privileged to be part of a wonderful group this term called "The Looking Glass". A group of teen home educated girls get together once a week under the leadership of a lovely, twenty something (university grad) home educated young lady who is mentoring them.
They each received a beautiful hand made journal which they decorated and now use at their weekly meetings.
They enjoy tea time together, each girl having a chance to partner with another girl in the group for tea duty. The pair do the preparation, decoration of the table and serving of tea to other girls.
The girls are growing in their understanding of who God is, His desires for their lives and how they can practically go about living that out. They spend time sharing, listening to a teaching, discussing the weeks topic and praying together.
Each week given tasks are carried out and then they are given time to share in a supportive setting. They are learning to listen to others in a loving way too, as each girls path is different.
K looks forward to this each week and I am so grateful that she is making some lovely new friends and getting to know her Saviour better.
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