Saturday, September 20, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up: Two in One and Loads of Fun

Its been two weeks since my last weekly wrap. A busy two weeks but also a good two weeks. Last week hubby and I went on a 3 day trip, just the two of us, so I didn't link up. We had a fabulous time, but more on that in another post.

The kids have been working through their school assignments and as it's nearing the end of term, they are getting a little tired. Some days I let them sleep in a bit. We are thankful for the beauty of a flexible schedule that allows them to work any time of day or night.

Zak has moved onto botany in science. History is still all about the Romans and our current read aloud is 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea. We have been listening to it on audio and he keeps his hands busy building or looming while I knit. 
Basketball  has been on hold due to bad weather and the unavailability of the hall as the school kids are writing exams.

Keren has made good progress with her terms work and we are hoping she may even finish term tests early so she can have an extra week holiday. She sure deserves it as she has not really had a proper holiday all year.

There is always art...

 Zak is enjoying his art classes and producing some lovely work.

The title of Keren's latest practical was "Is there still life?" 
She asked herself how her current choices would determine if there would still be life for her? Choices she makes now will decide the course of her life. 
Many hours were spent working on this and graded with an A.

My dear sister arrived from the farm this week.

 Her visit coincided with her daughter's exhibition at the Cape Town School of Photography. 
We all thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and my niece had a large amount of her outstanding work on display.

The above work was her project on the body. 

This is one of her studio portraits of our eldest, Josh.
It is one of my all time favorite photos of him.

Her documentary was done on home education and she photographed home educating families and wrote an informative write up on homeschooling. Me and my younger two are seen in the last photograph.

And last but certainly not least, her work on exploration of the self. 
An outstanding series of photographs. 
It is wonderful to see a home educated child excelling in her field of study. 

Keren had an interview and got a job at Molly & Mason! 
They sell delicious homemade bakes, cakes and crafts.
She is thankful to be able to earn some pocket money in a fun environment.

The younger two, my niece and I enjoyed Ocean Basket's birthday special at lunch. 
A rare treat on a Monday afternoon!

We made our way down to the seaside for treats and a beautiful stroll along the cat walk.

The girls and I enjoyed a visit to China Town as they were shopping for youth group supplies.

The church held a sand castle building competition...

The teenage ninga turtle was the winner!

We had visitors of the extremely cute kind!

And yes... a day off school playing munchkin because we can, and this cousin lives oh so far away!

Weekly Wrap-Up


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