We have completed our first full week of school and it has been fun. We are learning new things every day and enjoying the routines of learning time together. Z said he was thankful to be doing school again and I think the children love the routine that comes into our days when it is term time (even though they may not admit it!)
We also love the fact that things can be taken at the pace that is needed. With 2 of the children suffering from colds and feeling yucky,we spent many hours reading. We had a library book that needed returning this week and really wanted to complete the story.....that morning we climbed into my bed and spent the better part of the morning finishing off the book...
On a warm afternoon, we lay in the shade and I read to the children while K spent time working on the blanket she is crocheting and Z lay quietly with some of his toys.
We started our Zoology 2: Swimming creatures of the 5th day and the children enjoyed making their own miniature gyre (circular surface ocean currents).
They started their Zoology notebooks too. I love to see the way they make their work unique by adding colour and pictures of their own choice.

Kitty found a perfect place to relax while the children are working...on top of one of my sisters storage boxes in the dining room!
J is working steadily through the last sections of the history programme he has been doing. We are planning to enroll him with a new programme for grades 9 to 12 this week. This will enable him to get an internationally recognised certificate at the end of his High School .
One of my nearest and dearest friends has embarked on her home education journey this week and I am so excited to see her family enjoying their new adventure. We have been friends for 14
years and our sons were infants when we met. They are now young adults. The girls have known each other from birth and it is so sweet to see this new dimension in their friendship.They went off to their first Drama class together on Friday.

Here they are chilling and chatting on the roof of their garage after drama. They went on to youth group together on Friday evening.
The children are also back to karate classes and K has started ball room again... the week is certainly jam packed with activities!
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