Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oodles of sprudels and billions of beans!

Last Monday we had the pleasure of an outing to Beanland, home of The Bean People....
and makers of magical bath times for little and not so little people!
 As one of the moms said, we all knew it would be a magical experience when we walked into the factory and it smelled like heaven! 

We were welcomed by Sharon and her team of delightful, happy factory workers. The children paid close attention as the safety rules were explained and then we set off on an adventure through the working factory.

First stop, the children had a chance to be creative and try their hand at a new design for bath beans.
 More creativity followed as they got to work with colourful paints and stamps,
 creating their own wrapping paper.

Next they were shown how the foam is cut into the various designs that are inside those magical bath beans. Each child had a turn to use the machine and do their own cutting.

The dying process was interesting....we learned that vinegar alters the pH of the water, 
making the foam shape hold the dye. 
The shapes are dried in a tumble dryer before the next phase of production.

Loading the bean was not as simple as it looked! 
The one I loaded would certainly have been rejected by quality control as I managed to crush the casing with my clumsy fingers!

We then entered the "heavenly zone" where the sprudels were being made.
 One cannot describe that delicious aroma and certainly think it should be bottled and sold 
so all our homes can smell so wonderful!

The children each got to make a sprudel under the watchful eye of the wonderful workers, who patiently instructed them how to make these magical balls that fizz in the bath....
releasing colour, scent and a bath bean for added fun!
Once dried, oodles of sprudels are packaged and boxed....
ready to delight children at bath time!

   The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to this working factory and were delighted to go home with a surprise pack containing bath beans and a sprudel! Thank you Beans at Beanland!

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