My garden is still a source of pleasure for me and I am learning as I go along. I got a wheel barrow full of compost out of my compost heap to add to my back veg bed . Thankfully hubby got more out as getting that one out was hard work! He dug it into the beds for me and tonight I have sown a few seeds.

I just love this little corner of my garden. The orange flowers are a splash of joy and the granadilla vine keeps producing beautiful intricate flowers that will become delicious fruits. The pot contains basil and some chili bushes. I picked the first leaves of basil to add to a healthy spinach, chick pea and sun dried tomato salad today.

The recipe comes from one of my low gi cook books. I also made a warm baby tomatoe salad from the same book.

I wish I could say I had grown those tomatoes myself. The tomatoes were cooked over a low heat in a mixture of balsamic vinegar and sugar, until they just split from the heat. It was a delicious accompaniment to the braai!
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